Tuesday 28 August 2018

Healthy ginger, carrot and apple shot - recipe

As summer fades away and the rainy season sets in, the threat of seasonal sniffles looms. Feeling the telltale tickle in my nose, I decided to take preventive action against the impending cold by whipping up some ginger shots. Today's mixture featured a blend of apples, carrots, sweetened with a touch of honey - a gentle introduction to the world of immune-boosting shots. 

1 carrot
2 apples
1 tbsp honey
Pinch of turmeric powder 
1 inch piece of fresh ginger
Juice of 1 lemon

Method:  1. Peel the ginger, carrot and apples, then toss them into a food processor along with the rest of the ingredients. Blend until smooth, resembling a velvety puree. You may need to pause occasionally to scrape down the sides. Add water as needed to achieve your desired consistency. 

2. Once everything is well blended, strain the thick juice through a fine mesh sieve. Here's the vibrant juice I obtained after straining. Chill the juice in a fridge until ready to enjoy.

3. Take a refreshing sip of your homemade ginger shot, embracing its invigorating kick. I found myself feeling refreshed and revitalized after each sip. I'll definitely be whipping up more shots for both myself and hubby in the days to come.


Sunday 12 August 2018

Purslane tzatziki yogurt dip - allotment recipe

Purslane - finally, I've discovered the name of this vibrant green herb that brings so much flovour to our beloved Kurdish perpina yogurt dip. In Swedish, it goes by the name "portlak", it took me quite some time to find the name. I searched under terms like edible succulent, due to its resemblance to succulents.  

But, the mystery is solved! This peppery delight is known as purslane. While it may be considered a weed in some regions, here in Sweden, we cultivate it in our allotments and gardens. It's become a stable in our summer recipes, perfect for serving chilled alongside bread for dipping. And to preserve its freshness, I often freeze a portion to enjoy during the winter months. 


1 onion
2 small cucumbers
2 tbsp chopped mint
2  cups of chopped purslane
garlic powder

1. Begin by chopping the onion, cucumber, and purslane, then combine them in a mixing bowl.
2. Season the mixture with garlic poweder, dill, parsley, and salt, adjusting to taste as needed. 
3. Serve your purslane dip as a flavourful side dish or alongside toasted bread for a simple and satisfying snack.


Thursday 9 August 2018

Salmon baked with creme fraiche - recipe

We often enjoy rice with some kind of stew or curry at home because it's the kids favorite dish. 
However,it is also important to incorporate fish into our diets. My favorite way of enjoying fish is by baking it in the oven and serve it with boiled potatoes, which is what this recipe will focus on. Baking salmon fish with a delightful creme fraiche sauce. 

4 salmon fillet
1 container of creme fraiche
6-7 boiled potatoes
steamed vegetables
cherry tomatoes
herbes de Provence
paprika powder
salt and pepper

1. Place the salmon fillets in an ovenproof dish. Mix the creme fraiche with the herbs and spices, and pour the mixture over the fillets. Add halved cherry tomatoes on top. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for about 30-40 minutes, or until the fish is cooked through and golden.

2. Serve the baked salmon with boiled potatoes and steamed vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, and cauliflower. Enjoy this flavorful and nutritious meal!


Tuesday 7 August 2018

My Guacamole Obsession - Recipe

During my last pregnancy, if there's one craving I couldn't resist, it's guacamole. I found myself indulging in it several evenings a week—it became my ultimate go-to snack, both for me and my hubby. 

Whip it up easily once the kids were asleep, and there's nothing quite like serving it chilled with crispy tortilla chips.

When it comes to recipes like guacamole, I always tend to put my own twist to it. Here's my take on this classic favorite. 

2 ripe avocados
2 tomatoes
1 tbsp chopped parsley
1 tbsp Greek yogurt
1 tbsp coriander powder
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp paprika powder
1 tsp garlic powder
1 mild green chilli
lemon juice
salt and pepper

Chop up the tomatoes and parsley, then add them to a bowl. Scoop out the avocado and lightly mash it with a fork in the same bowl. Add lemon juice to prevent browning. Mix well and add the yogurt, along with seasoning to taste.

Chill the mixture in the fridge for 15 minutes, then serve it with tortilla chips.


Sautéed chard and sugar beet leaves with eggs - allotment recipes

As I strive for a healthier lifestyle, I've been making conscious efforts to cut back on unhealthy eating habits and reduce my meat consumption. One way I'm achieving this is by incorporation more greens from our allotment into my meals. Today, I'm sharing a recipe that holds a special place in my heart - it's one my mum used to prepare for us during leisurely Saturday breakfasts at home. This dish is a staple of Kurdish breakfast cuisine and brings back fond memories of family gatherings around the table. 


This recipe is wonderfully straightforward, making it ideal for any time of the day. In fact, it served as my dinner tonight. I used chard and sugar beet leaves, along with onions harvested from my allotment. The flavour truly shines when you opt  for organically grown vegetables, elevating the taste to a whole new level. 

While chard and sugar beet leaves are my greens of choice for this recipe, spinach serves as a worthy substitute when these aren't readily available. 

chard leaves and stalks
sugar beet leaves and stalks
1 onion
3-4 eggs
salt and pepper
paprika and curry powder

1. Begin by chopping the onion and the leaf stalks. In a frying pan, heat a few tablespoons of oil over medium heat and sauté the chopped onion and stalks until they are soft and golden. Add the chopped leaves to the pan and season generously with salt, pepper, paprika, and curry powder.

2. Once everything is well-cooked and seasoned, crack the eggs into the pan and mix them with the vegetables. Taste and adjust the seasoning if necessary.

3. When the eggs are fully cooked, serve the dish with flatbread for a hearty meal. Alternatively, enjoy it on its own. You'll find yourself making this dish time and time again—it's a delightful and unique twist on the classic omelette. The mild, almost sweet taste of the chard adds a lovely flavor dimension without any bitterness. 


Tuesday 31 July 2018

Green salad - allotment recipes

Today, I'm sharing a simple yet special recipe straight from my allotment. While this green salad may appear typical at first glance, it holds a special place in my heart. Using freshly picked vegetables and herbs from my own organic garden elevates the flavour to a whole new level, surpassing anything store-bought. 

For this salad, I incorporated the following allotment treasures:
mild green chillies
mint leaves
fresh thyme

The only store-bought ingredients were olive oil, tomato, and iceberg lettuce. To add a tangy twist, I included  some Italian salad seasoning and a drizzle of pomegranate molasses. 

This salad was delightful on its own, but my hunger led me to create a side of my hubby's yummy humus. He simply jazz up all ingredients in a food processor: a can of chickpeas, 3 tbsp tahini, 1 tbsp Greek yogurt, paprika powder, garlic powder, salt, and olive oil. Served with flatbread. 

As I savored each bite, I couldn't help but appreciate the sweat, tears, and effort that went into fixing and growing my allotment, where I spend countless hours nurturing these greens to perfection. We enjoyed this vibrant spread with flatbread and olives, a testament to the love and dedication poured into our homegrown delights. 


Herbs and vegetables from our allotment

A big dream my hubby and I share is to grow our own herbs and vegetables in our own garden someday. Since that dream seems somewhat far away at the moment, we've decided to take a step towards it by getting an allotment!

We cherish every day spent in our allotment, despite the hard work and long hours it demands. It's a wonderful way to spend our lovely summer together,  and it brings great joy to our kids too.

Recently, I harvested some vegetables from our allotment, and I can't wait to use them in various dishes and recipes. The lovely chard will be perfect for making dolma (iprax) along with vine leaves. We usually chop off the leaf stalks and fry them with onions and eggs for a delightful breakfast. I also like to layer them at the bottom of the pot when I cook the dolma; it prevents it from burning and adds a delicious flavor.

Next, I harvested some mint, which is versatile and works well in salads. Likewise, the cucumbers from our allotment are wonderfully crunchy and leave that refreshing taste in your mouth. To me, that's the sign of a great cucumber! I've also added the very mild chilies to my salad and used them in various stews, chilies, and soups I've recently prepared.

As for the plant on the left, we call it Tolik in Kurdish, but I'm still trying to figure out its English name. It has pink and purple flowers and beautifully shaped leaves. We usually chop it up and fry it with onions and eggs for breakfast. I'm excited to create all these lovely dishes using our homegrown produce.

Monday 25 June 2018

Spinach and Mozzarella Pastry Baked Salmon - recipe

As much as I adore classic salmon with potatoes, I'm always on the lookout for new recipes that offer a fresh take on this beloved dish. Scrolling through Instagram's quick food videos, I stumbled upon a tantalizing idea: pastry baked salmon. Eager to experiment, I decided to recreate this recipe at home, adding a delightful twist to our salmon repertoire. 

Three boneless salmon fillets
1 ready-to-use pastry roll
1 mozzarella cheese ball
1 onion
1 handful of fresh spinach leaves
2 tbsp creme fraiche
spices: fish mix, herb blend, paprika powder, garlic powder to taste

1) Preheat your oven to 180 degrees Celsius (350 degrees Fahrenheit) and line a baking dish with parchment paper. Unroll the pastry dough and place it in the prepared baking dish. 

 2) Arrange the salmon fillets evenly on top of the pastry dough.

 3) In a skillet, gently sauté the chopped onion and spinach leaves with creme fraiche until the mixture is fragrant and the spinach is wilted. Season with your preferred spices, such as fish mix, herbs, paprika powder, and garlic powder.

 4) Spoon the spinach and onion mixture over the salmon fillets, ensuring an even distribution. Slice the mozzarella cheese ball into thin slices and layer them on top of the spinach mixture.

5) Using a knife, cut the pastry dough into strips as shown in the picture. Carefully lay one strip of dough over the filling at a time, weaving them together to create a braided effect.

Brush the pastry with oil and sprinkle dried herbs on top for added flavor and visual appeal.

Place the baking dish in the preheated oven and bake for approximately 45 minutes, or until the pastry is golden brown and the salmon is cooked through.

6) Once baked, remove from the oven and let it cool slightly before serving. Slice into portions and enjoy your delectable spinach and mozzarella pastry baked salmon with a side salad. 


Creamy Potato Salad - recipe

As someone who appreciate the simplicity and versatility of salads, I often find myself turning to them for hearty yet light dinners. To elevate de dish and make it more substantial, I love incorporating potatoes into the mix. This is a delightful recipe for a creamy potato salad that strikes the perfect balance between refreshing flavours and satisfying textures. Whether served alongside grilled chicken or steaks at a BBQ or enjoyed as a standalone dish, this salad is sure to impress!

4-5 potatoes
1/2 cup creme fraiche
handful of radishes, thinly sliced
1 spring onion, chopped
handful of fresh herbs, such as basil and mint, chopped
2-3 tbsp Dijon mustard
salt and pepper, to taste
garlic powder
paprika powder

1) Start by boiling the potatoes until they are tender. Once cooked, allow them to cool down to room temperature.

2) While the potatoes are cooling, prepare the vegetables and herbs by chopping them into bite-sized pieces.

3) In a mixing bowl, combine the creme fraiche with Dijon mustard, adjusting the quantities to achieve your desired level of creaminess and tanginess. Season the mixture with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and paprika powder according to your taste preferences.

4) Once the potatoes have cooled, chop them into cubes and add them to the bowl with the creamy dressing. Let the flavours mix nicely in the fridge for about 30 minutes before serving it.


Vegetarian Feta Cheese Quiche (pie)

Cozy Comfort: Vegetarian Feta Cheese Quiche for a Rainy Day

On a rainy day, you want comfort food—something warm, savoury, and satisfying. Today, as the rain pattered against the windows, I decided to make a vegetarian feta cheese quiche. It’s a dish that perfectly balances rich, creamy flavours with the freshness of veggies.

Quiche has always been one of my go-to comfort foods. It’s versatile, easy to make, and can be filled with whatever ingredients you have on hand. This time, I chose to keep it flavourful, with a filling of feta cheese, spinage, green beans, paprika onions, and cherry tomatoes. So tasty!!

As the quiche baked in the oven, the house filled with the most inviting aroma. It’s the kind of smell that makes you forget about the rain outside and look forward to digging into a warm, comforting meal.


 1 ready-made pie crust (or homemade if you prefer)

1 cups fresh spinach, chopped

1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved

¾ cup feta cheese, crumbled

half zucchini, chopped

1 red paprika, chopped

1 cup green beans

1 onion, chopped  

4 large eggs

1 cup milk (or double cream for a richer quiche)

1 cup grated cheese

Salt and pepper, to taste

1 tsp dried oregano or thyme


 1. Preheat your oven to (190°C). Roll out the pie crust and press it into a pie dish. Prick the bottom of the crust with a fork to prevent it from puffing up.

2. Sauté the chopped spinach in a skillet over medium heat until it wilts, approximately 3-4 minutes. Remove it from the heat and set it aside. Then, continue to fry the remaining vegetables for about 10 minutes until they are soft.

3. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the eggs, milk, cheese, salt, pepper, and dried oregano or thyme if using.

4. Evenly distribute the sautéed spinach across the bottom of the pie crust, then add the remaining vegetables and feta cheese. Pour the egg mixture over the vegetables and cheese, making sure everything is evenly distributed.

5. Place the quiche in the preheated oven and bake for 35-40 minutes, or until the center is set and the top is golden brown.

Allow the quiche to cool for about 10 minutes before slicing. Serve warm with a side salad or enjoy it on its own.

When the quiche was ready, I cut myself a generous slice and paired it with a simple green salad. The creamy texture of the quiche, with its golden, flaky crust, was pure comfort on a plate.


Butter and garlic baguette with tomato and mozzarella

When it comes to satisfying late-night cravings, few snacks rival the irresistible appeal of garlic bread loaded with juicy tomatoes, creamy mozzarella, and fragrant herbs. This simple yet indulgent treat is a favorite in my household, perfect for snacking solo or sharing with loved ones during cozy evenings. Made with love and a handful of fresh ingredients, this garlic bread is a staple in my recipe repertoire.

I purchase the garlic and butter baguette that already comes pre-sliced with incisions from the freezer section. It is perfect for stuffing with tomato and cheese. I enhance the flavour further by adding fresh basil and parsley from the herbs on my balcony. 

 After assembling the ingredients, I place the bread in the oven and grill it at 200 degrees Celsius for 20-30 minutes until it achieves a golden-brown hue. The result is a delectable treat with gooey melted cheese that tantalizes the taste buds.

This delightful creation frequently makes an appearance as a side dish during my gatherings with family and friends. Their enthusiastic response and delight upon seeing it served at the table never fail to bring me joy.


1 loaf of pre-sliced butter and garlic baguette

Fresh tomatoes, thinly sliced

Fresh mozzarella cheese, sliced

Fresh basil and parsley leaves, for garnish


1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Using a knife, gently pry open the cuts in the baguette, creating space to insert the toppings.

2. Fill each cut with alternating slices of tomato and mozzarella, ensuring an even distribution of ingredients throughout the baguette. Scatter fresh basil and parsley leaves over the of the bread, infusing it with vibrant flavor and color.

3. Bake the garlic bread for 20-30 minutes or until the cheese is melted and bubbly, and the baguette is golden brown and crisp around the edges. Once baked to perfection, remove the garlic baguette from the oven and allow it to cool slightly before serving.

Whether served as a standalone snack or alongside a hearty dinner spread, this garlic baguette is guaranteed to leave everyone craving more.


Egg and avoccado sandwich

My current favourite breakfast is a boiled egg served on a toasted bread with avocado spread. I simply sprinkle  it with paprika powder and black pepper for an extra kick of flavour. It's absolutely delicious!

Vegetarian pasty made with baking powder ( piroger) - recipe

Today, I whipped up a batch of delicious vegetarian pasties, and I must say, they turned out wonderfully! The dough was incredibly light and fluffy, and the best part? No need for yeast! I simply followed Anna Marias recipe, and the results were fantastic. After tasting these savory delights, I knew they would be perfect for picnics, so I'll definitely be making more in the future. For today's meal, I served them alongside a fresh salad and creamy hummus for a delightful spread.

Dough ingredients:
8 dl flour
3-4 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
3 dl milk
100 g butter

3-4 boiled potatis
Frozen vegetables: peas, corn, paprika
1 onion

Spices: paprika powder, cumin, garlic powder, curry, salt and pepper to taste

1) Begin by boiling the potatoes until they are tender. While they cook, dice the onion and sauté it with the frozen veggies over medium heat. Season with the spices listed, and once the vegetables are lightly browned, add the chopped boiled potatoes. Allow everything to cook together for about 20 minutes, adding a few tablespoons of water as needed. Once done, set aside to cool.

2) In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, and salt. Cut the butter into small pieces and rub it into the dry ingredients until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Gradually add the milk, stirring until a soft dough forms.

3) On a floured surface, roll out the dough to about 5 mm thickness. Use a round cutter to cut out circles approximately 15 cm in diameter.

Spoon a portion of the cooled filling onto one half of each dough circle, leaving a small border. Fold the dough over the filling to create a half-moon shape and firmly pinch the edges to seal. For a decorative touch, you can crimp the edges like a braid.

4) Preheat your oven to 220 degrees Celsius. Place the assembled pasties on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and bake for 10-15 minutes or until golden brown.

Enjoy these delectable vegetarian pasties warm or at room temperature, paired with a crisp salad and creamy hummus for a satisfying meal. Perfect for picnics or any occasion! 
