Monday 9 September 2024

A Spectacular Snack: Grilled Sandwiches in a Waffle Iron

The other night, we did something I thought was nothing short of spectacular—we made grilled sandwiches in a waffle iron! (I am easily entertained 😊) It was so delicious and incredibly simple. One evening, the kids and I were craving something warm and comforting, like a classic grilled sandwich. That’s when my husband came up with the brilliant idea to use our waffle iron, as our sandwich maker had given up the ghost a few months ago.

We used white sandwich bread, spread with butter, and filled with gooey cheese. On top, we added tomato slices and sprinkled some dried oregano. When the sandwiches came out of the waffle iron, they looked amazing—he even cut them into cute heart shapes using the waffle iron’s pattern. The crispy edges, the melty cheese, and the herbs made for a perfect combination.

But then, I think my husband got a little inspired. Han fick feeling :). We had some leftover, slightly stale cinnamon buns lying around, and he decided to throw those into the waffle iron too. The kids loved it! The warm, crispy cinnamon buns were a big hit, and I have to say, he earned some extra points with that move.

 As for me, I was just happy that I didn’t have to prepare evening snack on that beautiful summer evening. All in all, it was a win-win—delicious, easy, and fun!


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