Saturday 20 April 2024

Pickled red onions

Have you ever tried pickling red onions at home? Well, I have, and it’s super easy! 😊 Pickled red onions add a burst of flavor to any dish, complementing everything from meats and fish to poultry and vegetarian options. My colleague taught me a very easy method: a simple 1-2-3 mixture of water, vinegar, and sugar, and you can whip up this versatile pickling solution in no time.

It’s tangy and sweet and gives any dish a pop of flavor and color.



1 dl White vinegar (12%)

1.5 dl sugar

3 dl water

2 red onions



Peel and thinly slice one medium-sized red onion.

In a saucepan, combine water, vinegar, and sugar. Add any desired flavorings such as whole peppercorns, mustard seeds, or fresh herbs.

Bring the pickling solution to a boil, then reduce heat to low and simmer for a few minutes until the sugar dissolves completely.

Place the sliced red onion in a clean jar or container and pour the hot pickling solution over the onions, ensuring they are completely submerged. Let cool to room temperature, then seal the jar and refrigerate. The pickled red onions will be ready to use within a few hours but will develop better flavor if left to pickle overnight. Enjoy them as a tangy topping for sandwiches, salads, tacos, or burgers!


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