Sunday 23 October 2016

Hearty chicken curry and yellow rice - recipe

Something I often cook during busy weekdays is a nice hearty chicken curry. The lovely thing with a curry is that there  are so many different recipes on the internet you can choose from to add variation each time you make it. I generally add what I have in my fridge that specific day.

2 chicken breast, cut in cubes
2 tomatoes, cut in cubes
1 onion, diced
2-3 tbsp tomato puree
1 dl double cream or yoghurt 
4 cm zucchini 
1 red bell pepper
Spices: cumin, coriander, yellow curry powder, paprika, ground ginger and garlic

1. Cut the chicken breast into cubes. Dice the onion and add it to a frying pan with few tbsp of oil. Add the spices to taste, I generally use roughly a tsp of each more or less. Let the onions and spices fry on medium heat. This brings out the lovely flavours. 

2. While that happenes, chop the tomatoes, pepper and zucchini into cubes as well. Add vegetables and chicken in the frying pan and let everything become nice and golden. Add the cream and little water if to dry. Let it simmer for a good 30 mins. 

3. Serve with rice with flavours of turmeric and a cardemom pod. 

Enjoy !

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