Friday 14 April 2017

Milk stewed macaroni and chicken meatballs - recipe

Eating pasta every week inevitably leads to requests from both my toddler and hubby for dishes that stray from the usual red sauce fare. I must admit, after a few weeks, even I start to crave something different.

So today, I decided to revisit a childhood favorite from my school days: milk-stewed macaroni (stuvade makaroner och köttbullar) and meatballs. It was a dish I adored back then, and seeing how well it was received by both my toddler and baby, I'm resolved to include it more often in our meal rotation. 

Back in school, we often enjoyed husmanskost, a term that encompasses traditional Swedish home-cooked fare. Fond memories of those meals inspire me to explore more recipes from Swedish cuisine, building a collection that I hope will be cherished by my children in the future.

Husmanskost refers to traditional Swedish home-cooked food, characterized by simple, hearty dishes made from locally sourced ingredients. These meals often include staples like potatoes, meat, fish, and root vegetables. Husmanskost dishes are typically comforting and satisfying, reflecting the rustic and wholesome nature of Swedish cuisine. Common examples include meatballs, herring, pea soup, and various potato-based dishes like hash or mashed potatoes.

4-5 dl macaroni 
6-7 dl milk
1 cup water
1 dl double cream
Salt, pepper nutmeg to taste

1. In a non-stick pan, bring the milk, water, and double cream to a gentle boil. Season to taste with salt, pepper, and nutmeg. Add the macaroni to the mixture, then reduce the heat and simmer slowly until the sauce has thickened and the macaroni is tender. Stir frequently to prevent sticking.

2. Serve the milk-stewed macaroni with your choice of meat. Personally, I find meatballs and ketchup to be the perfect accompaniment to this comforting dish. It's a combination that never fails to satisfy.

Enjoy this nostalgic and comforting meal, and here's to creating more culinary memories inspired by the flavors of Swedish cuisine! 


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